perm filename JOBS.1[RDG,DBL] blob sn#639893 filedate 1982-02-13 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002		SRI
C00006 00003	∂20-Apr-81  1656	SAGALOWICZ at SRI-AI (Daniel Sagalowicz) 	Visit to SRO AIC  
C00013 00004	∂5 May 1981 1205-PDT	Haas at SRI-AI		Your visit
C00016 00005	∂06-May-81  1547	Haas at SRI-AI (Norm) 	Re: Go over to the third washroom -
C00019 00006		SCI
C00021 00007	∂Mailed to GREEN@SCI  14:02 15-May
C00022 00008	∂Mailed to KEDZIERSKI@SCI 12:30 15-May
C00023 00009	∂17-May-81  1403	Green at SCI-ICS (Cordell Green) 	follow-up  
C00026 ENDMK
∂28 Apr 1981 1348-PDT	Haas at SRI-AI		Thanks for the article

On quick scanning, it appears to be accurate.

How are things going?  Sorry we never got to see "Day and Night" - the SCI
people were too busy writing proposals or something to get organized.

We're always looking for papers to read for TINLunch (analogous to SU's SIGLunch)
so if you have a nice RLL paper you'd like to defend sometime, feel free to
offer it.  We're going to do a draft of a Dick Gabriel paper this week. (It's
on "Essential vs Fluid Domains".)

I've started renting racquets from Swetka's in MV - they have a pretty reason-
able deal.  Decided the Wilson Pro Staff I bought last year is too light.

∂Mailed to HAAS@SRI-AI  11:45 5-May
Norm -
	Thanks for yakking with me yesterday.  I did find that old message,
by the way.  'Tis strange you never received it.  (I mailed it from a terminal
which was flakey [those quick shouts at Paul Martin were about his modem...]
and so it's possible my keystrokes were misinterpreted; or that I failed
to see the error message sent...)
Anyway, the old message was

	I agree - it was too bad we missed "Night & Day" ... but it'll be back
I'm sure.  (I'd been fairly busy anyway.)

Let me think a bit about TINlunching RLL -- that might be worthwhile.

I've only played tennis once in the last year+.  I'll have to get back into
that. (Biking and basketball have been my basic pursuits.)

New news -
I'll be meandering to SRI this Monday morning, to see Daniel, Nilsson and Hendrix;
and who knows who else...  Sorta an interview/marriage-proposal, of sorts.
I'm not quite sure what I'll get out of it, but I'll see when I arrive.
Maybe we can get together during my allotted time; or afterward?

∂20-Apr-81  1656	SAGALOWICZ at SRI-AI (Daniel Sagalowicz) 	Visit to SRO AIC  
Date: 20 Apr 1981 1655-PST
From: SAGALOWICZ at SRI-AI (Daniel Sagalowicz)
Subject: Visit to SRO AIC
To: csd.greiner at SU-SCORE, rdg at SU-AI

I just talked to Jack Goldberg who told me that you were looking for a
thesis topic.  SRI AI center has an agreement with the CSD so that you
could do your thesis at SRI and be paid as an RA by SU.  You still would
need a Ph. D. advisor at SU.  Currently, Doug Appelt has this arrangement
with us and you could talk to him about it.
In any case, I was wandering whether you would be interested in pursuing
that further, and if yes, maybe you should come visit and talk to various
people about their areas of interest to see whether there is a possible 

∂Mailed to SAGALOWICZ at SRI-AI, HENDRIX at SRI-AI, nilsson at SRI-AI,
	JGOLDBERG@SRI-KL  12:10 27-Apr
Wow - such interest!
Yes, I am indeed meandering about the world of thesis topics.  
My problem, however, seems more one of restricting and selecting,
as opposed to generation.  (I'm primarily working with Doug Lenat,
on the neo-natal EURISKO system.)
In addition, I recently became involved with a project at Rand.
My final time sink involves promoting RLL, both the system and the idea
(of a representation language language).

I am quite flattered by your interest, and intrigued with the prospect
of working with the host of capable people I know who reside at SRI.
Despite the time constraints mentioned above, I would still enjoy seeing
what SRI has to offer, and would enjoy spending some time probing the
channels you mentioned; if they are still available.
	Thank you,
∂27-Apr-81  1325	SAGALOWICZ at SRI-AI (Daniel Sagalowicz) 	Re: Wow - such interest!    
To: rdg at SU-AI
In-Reply-To: Your message of 27-Apr-81 1209-PDT

When is a good time for you to come?  You would plan on spending about half
a day here.  I suggest Monday May 4th from about 9:00am to about 1:30pm.
How does that sound?  If not possible, please suggest another time.

	13:49 27-Apr
Meeting Time
Dr Sagalowicz,
	Yes, Monday morning does sound good to me.  Could I, perhaps,
push it back an hour -- and plan to arrive at 10am, and stay until 2:30ish?
In either case, where shall we meet?
Is there anything I should bring?  What shall I do to prepare myself
(eg anything in particular I should read, ...)?

	Looking forward to meeting you,

∂Mailed to JGOLDBERG@SRI-KL 13:40 27-Apr
Thanks, and Dirt

Dr Goldberg,

Thanks for contacting Daniel Sagalowicz on my behalf.  I'll be meandering
to SRI this Monday morning, if things go as planned.  

Next issue: were you and your wife serious about planting a small garden?
My landlord has an excess of top-soil which he intends to sell.  Such a
match!  Anyway, when I mentioned your potential interest, he suggested I
invite you to call him.  If you are still interested, call Dexter Girton
at my number, 326-1730.  (There is no problem if you've changed your mind
-- the dirt will simply remain in the same unsightly heap in our backyard
until the next nibble.)

I wanted, finally, to thank you and your family for a lovely and
meaningful seder the other Saturday.  It was quite pleasant, and just the
sort of break I needed.

∂27-Apr-81  1359	SAGALOWICZ at SRI-AI (Daniel Sagalowicz) 	Re: Meeting Time  
To: RDG at SU-AI, hendrix at SRI-AI, nilsson at SRI-AI
In-Reply-To: Your message of 27-Apr-81 1347-PDT

Monday 10:00am fine.  No special preparation needed, unless you wish to
make a formal presentation.  Otherwise, we will want to have an idea of
your areas of interest--what you have done so far, what you would like to
∂5 May 1981 1205-PDT	Haas at SRI-AI		Your visit
To:   csd.greiner at SCORE

There was a little discussion of your situation this morning.  The universal
reaction was that you are a smart person, but that you have unfortunately
been under the most negative influence in AI today, with the exception of Roger
Schank, namely  Lenat and HPP, and that this has seriously warped your view of
  I mentioned to Gary that you had tried to axiomatize McCarthy's "Mr P and
Mr S" problem in FOL, and had done it (I think you had); he was very impressed
by that. 

∂Mailed to HAAS 11:23 6-May
Go over to the third washroom - your payment will be behind the ...
Thanks for the inner scoop on SRI's thoughts and activities.
I'll be wary now of de-programmers...

Actually I was unaware of the feelings around about HPP in general.
Maybe that's just another indication of my "wedge-edness"...

It dawned on me as I was leaving that maybe I should have brought a resume.
Or, based on your comments on papers-not-published, talked more about
side interests I've pursued (eg in addition to that S & P paper which
John wanted me (or someone) to polish and publish,
both Barth and Knuth have suggested I
expand papers submitted for their respective classes into publications;
in systems and AA respectively).

Oh well, it was food for thought, on both a direct & "meta" level --
ie both in terms of what I learned about SRI, and what I learned about
interviewing, and talking with places like SRI.

Please keep me informed about Klaus (especially if it ever expands into 
PicoKlaus, or Santa Klaus, or anything like that...)
Also, can you point me to anything about the planning stuff Ann and Dave
are doing (eg a proto-IJCAI article).

Thanks again.

∂06-May-81  1547	Haas at SRI-AI (Norm) 	Re: Go over to the third washroom -
 - your payment will be behind the ...      

Thanks for your note - I will be glad to keep you informed on KLAUS. 

I asked Ann about her planning workstation; she gave me a draft of a paper
she and DEW have submitted to IJCAI7, which they don't know if it's been
accepted or not.  But I will put it in the ID mail for you to read but not
quote without permission.

The racquet situation:  I kind of liked the Davis Imperial.  The Head I tried
was a Light, and was too light; I have to try a Medium to know for sure - it
seemed like it might work out.  My present Wilson Pro Staff (Balanced Light
in Head) I've decided is too light, while my Dunlop Maxply Fort Medium is too

∂12-May-81  1851	Haas at SRI-AI (Norm) 	The Last One
Date: 12 May 1981 1852-PDT
From: Haas at SRI-AI (Norm)
Subject: The Last One
To: rdg at SU-AI, rep at SU-AI, jed at SU-AI

I paid a fair bit of attention to this system.  Their specs haven't been 
released yet that I know of, but they are planning to deliver systems in July.
Their input "language" is a bunch of hierarchical menus, whose entries more
or less correspond 1 - 1 with BASIC primitives (input, output [a value],
do a conditional branch), but expressed in an English-like way, so the users
don't think they're writing a programming language (and won't lose because they
forgot a paren or a comma).  So they finesse the problem of program specification.

My feeling is it's not a complex system, and not real program synthesis, but
it's a nice piece of human engineering for the general public as the intended

They have said of Cobol that they'll be glad to move to it from BASIC, because
their underlying representations are closer to the COBOL representations,
and that it's more standardized than BASIC.

∂12-May-81  1505	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	visit 

welcome tomorrow. remember to talk to cordell about ancient myths and

∂Mailed to GREEN@SCI  11:39 15-May
Follow Up
Cordell -
	I enjoyed my visit the other day.  Tom's demo answered a fair
number of my outstanding questions.  Thanks for the invitation.
	Should we plan to get together again?  I have finished perusing 
your MI10 article, and could comment on it at your convenience. 
Also, during a chat with Doug I have further concretizing (sp) a possible
thesis topic.  One aspect seems quite close to the thoughts both you and
I had on defining and interrelating programming chunks.
	I was unable to follow Tom's suggestion by asking you then about
"ancient myths and rituals".  Does this represent a pet interest of yours,
or one of Tom's all-but-indecipherable indirect comments?
	Any further news on your car?

∂Mailed to GREEN@SCI  14:02 15-May
Two more quickies
0) Nobody there seemed able to find Jorge's paper.  Could you send me a copy,
	if you have one?  Thanks.
1) Doug has been using DLISP of late, and hasn't needed the power of CORLL --
	ie DLISP's address space is large enough for all of his applications,
	thus far.
   DLISP did inherit InterLisp's 32K name limitation.  However Beau Sheil
	told Doug that that boundary could be twiddled -- and that he would
	perform that alteration if and when needed.
∂Mailed to KEDZIERSKI@SCI 12:30 15-May
Dream On
Beverly -
	First, thanks for the invite.  I enjoyed the experience,
and hope youse guys there learned as much as I did.

I unfortunately never had a chance to peruse your wall; this trip.
Could you make copies of the most interesting things to send;
or give me pointers to permit me to locate relevant articles?
Better yet, if you meander on campus, I'd be interesting of
chatting on about your experiences -- I've many questions left
over from Tom's party.

∂17-May-81  1403	Green at SCI-ICS (Cordell Green) 	follow-up  

perhaps late monday afternoon or sometime tuesday would be a good time
to talk.  let me know your preference.

∂Mailed to Green 14:32 18-May
Follow-Up ↑ 2
Ok - Monday seems out...  When would be a good time to get together on
Tuesday; and what, if anything, should I bring?

∂18-May-81  1501	Green at SCI-ICS (Cordell Green) 	time  

What about 11, lunch, or 2?
Can't think of anything to bring.

∂Mailed to Green 15:05 18-May
Chow time?
Do you want to meet somewhere for lunch?  (Maybe, say, a Chinese restaurant
for its lunchtime special?)  Or shall I brown-bag it?

∂18-May-81  1514	Green at SCI-ICS (Cordell Green) 	lunch 

Chinese sounds good.  We could meet here or there.  I leave the choice to

- spoke 15:27 18-May -
Alright - how about the one in Town & Country -- King Chuan?
Meet there at noon?
∂To GREEN @SCI 15:23 22-May
Re: Nothing
Cordell -
	I'm basically writing to say that I have nothing to say.
The last few days have been spent thesis-ing; still with no solid
conclusions.  If anything, I'm swaying back towards the idea of
groping with analogy as a type of domain -- possibly in the sense
Mike outlined in his "Metaphor and Model" paper... maybe not.

I'll keep you informed of any futher, late breaking results...
